I’m a terrible food critic.

I realized this a few years ago when I contemplated including reviews of restaurants on this blog. But it turns out I’m just not very critical of food and tend to love all things edible (well, except for certain tropical fruits). Which is great for the restaurant industry, but not so great for people wanting reviews of places more substantial than ‘I heart this’ and ‘I heart that’.

But, I do love recommending places to friends, so I’ve been keeping a list. I first had an actual list but it started getting too long and became impossible to look through. So I decided to embrace this Web 2.0 business and started tracking my favorite eateries in San Francisco on a Google Map. So digital!

The good news? I can share it with you! So if you’re looking for some suggestions of where to go for dinner (or lunch or brunch or drinks) in this fine city of ours, check it out (the large version is here). There are no long essays but rather just what I’ve had at each place that I’ve enjoyed. So order wisely. ;)

Color code?
Blue=cheap eats
Red=fancier eats

2 Responses to “Where I Like to Eat”

  1. Jen Garrison Says:

    Angi! I just saw your blog for the first time and I love it. I hope someday we live in the same city so we can cook together…

    1. angi Says:

      Thanks Jen! Yay cooking!!

      We should definitely cook together sometime… maybe next time we visit NYC or when you guys come visit us in SF? :)


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